Konga offers flat shipping rate to online shoppers


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Posted by on Monday July 7, 2014 at 8:52:35:

Konga is amongst the top rated shopping websites in Nigeria. Konga’s online shop has over 5,000 products placed in over 50 categories for Customers to order from, and they are constantly introducing new services to serve their Customers better. Before I talk about a new innovative offer by Konga, let me state some of the few reasons why people prefer to buy from Konga to other shopping sites in Nigeria.

First, their prizes are obtainable and not exorbitantly expensive, and they constantly offer discounts on most of their most of their products, especially during holiday periods, making their prize most times cheaper than what is obtainable in other eCommerce shops. Secondly, Konga has a good Customer care service that attends to Customer needs and questions. Finally, their products are genuine and they have a return policy where you can return any product that is below your expectation and have it changed.

As mentioned above, Konga's online shop introduced another great service to serve their Customers better, and this service is the Flat Rate Shopping Rate. This service has to do with the shipping rate, and what this service is about is flat rate shipping to any destination. For those residing in Lagos, Konga has a flat rate shipping of N500 to any location in Lagos, and for those that are in other parts of the country, Konga introduced a flat shipping rate of N1,500 to deliver your product to any state in Nigeria, irrespective or the distance or the weight of the product. This service commenced on the 26th of June 2014. Take advantage of the offer while it lasts.