Tips to wash your clothes without fading


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Posted by on Saturday April 19, 2014 at 7:58:58:

Clothes tend to lose value and appeal when they lose their original colours and that is why it's good to take care of the colour especially when you are washing them.

When clothes are not properly maintained, they either fades out, get worn out or torn. Lack of proper maintenance is one of the major reasons why you see that some people clothes don’t last well for them. We need to take care of out clothes so that they would look good and last long.

- Do not wash regularly: one of the reasons why clothes fade out is because they are washed constantly. Some people will continue to wear and wash a particular set of clothes, until they start fading out. It is advisable to give a little space after wearing and washing particular clothe so as not to fade out fast.

- Wash colours separately: Most people soak all their clothes in detergent at the same time irrespective of their color. This is wrong as some clothes(mostly red) can lose their colour and stain some other clothes inside the same water, and also washing white clothes together with coloured clothes is one fast way to stain the white permanent. Always separate your clothes according to their colour before washing. Whites should be soaked separately; clothes that remove colour should be washed separately.

- Know when to use detergents and when to use soap: Some detergents contain some strong chemicals that fade clothes after prolonged usage. That is why it is not advisable to wash every type of clothing with detergent, especially coloured materials. These kinds of materials should be washed with washing soaps. Some detergents are just too strong that they remove colours and it's best to either use them lightly or just use a less active washing soap.

- Rinse your clothes thoroughly: After washing, some people do not take time to thorough rinse their clothes. Some even leave leather on clothes after rinsing. The leather will stick to the clothes after rinsing and will dry with the clothes and fade out its colour after some time.

- Wash and dry inside out: It helps to put your clothes inside out when washing it and also hanging it outside to dry. This will prevent it from losing much colour on the inside due to the effects of detergent, washing and then sunlight.

- Read the instructions: Most new clothes come with washing instructions that can help you take good care of them. Some colours require cold water while some can do ok in warm water.