How to make your face pimple free


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Posted by on Saturday April 19, 2014 at 8:52:8:

Pimple is an inflammation on the surface the skin. It occurs when the oil gland is infected with bacteria; the gland is filled with pus and swells out. The outbreak normally occurs on the face and chest most times.

Some of the factors that encourage pimples include:
- Maturity, as a person edges toward puberty, the outer skin are being removed regularly, and this occurs more during puberty, some dead skins may be left on the skin and this blocks the skin pores, the accumulated dead skin contains some bacteria which remain in the oil gland to form pimples.

- Diet: Another cause of pimple outbreak is diet, what a person eat matters a lot someone who eats more of fatty foods and high dietary products has a high chance of getting a pimple out break.

- Bad hygiene: If you don't take care of yourself as you ought to, your face would easily get infected with bacteria. Good hygiene involves taking regular baths using antibacterial soaps and avoiding getting infected with bacteria especially on the face. You need to keep your hands clean and avoid touching your face most of the time.

Though pimples are not contagious, there preventive measures to control the outbreak of pimples and make your face pimple free, they include:-

- Wash your face at least twice everyday: since pimples are caused by bacteria in the oil gland, it is important to wash your face at least twice everyday using an antibacterial soap. Morning and evening before you go to bed is recommended. Also for make-up users, it is advisable to wash off the day’s make-up before you retire at night.

- Eat right: Eating fatty foods is one sure way to get pimple outbreak. It is advisable to eat more of fruits and vegetables that help to clear the skin of dead skin cells and clean up skin pores.

- Finally, do not pick on your pimples or burst them if they even appear on your face. They would go on their own if your hygiene improves and your body fights them off.