Why mismanaging Malaria can kill


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Posted by on Saturday April 5, 2014 at 12:17:38:

In spite of many anti-malaria drugs, free mosquito nets that are distributed in their numbers and other preventive measure to fight malaria, tens of thousands of People still die of malaria especially in developing Countries. This can be pointed to the mismanagement or ignore of how to treat malaria. Some of the reasons why People still die of malaria parasite is because they do not take time to test themselves or get proper treatment when they are sick. Some even continue with self medication even when the situation is getting worse even though medical experts have advised against continuing self medication if health doesn't improve after 3 days.

Malaria is caused by female anopheles mosquitoes that inject the plasmodium parasite into the human blood. This parasite goes straight to the liver to multiply, and they attack the red blood cells in the body. When left untreated, develops to cause parasite symptoms in the body, and the symptoms include; high fever, poor appetite, muscle aches, head aches, chills and dizziness. The parasite continues to multiply in the liver and continue to kill the red blood cells; they weaken the body and if left untreated can lead to death.

Some ways to deal with Malaria are;
- Prevention: You can prevent the parasite by avoiding mosquito bites; this can be done by sleeping under a treated mosquito net.

- Testing yourself immediately you notice malaria symptoms in your body and commence treatment as soon as possible if you find out that you are getting down with malaria.

- Taking antimalarial drugs whenever you are sick but not for a prolonged number of days

- Visit a doctor when symptoms continue and inform him of any drugs you have already taken. The doctors are specialists in this field and you shouldn't be bothered about their fees since you life is more important.