Why you should pay tax on your your Personal income


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Posted by on Saturday April 5, 2014 at 11:29:46:

In every Country, anybody who earns an income or who own a business is expected to pay certain percentage of the Person’s total income as tax. This tax is usually paid to the government of the Country.

The amount you pay as tax depends on how much you earn and the tax rate. Some employers deduct your tax automatically before they pay you your salary, while others pay you the whole money and you are expected to deduct your tax and pay it yourself. But which ever way it goes, it is an offence in most Countries if you avoid payment of Tax.

Some reasons why you should pay Tax from your personal income includes:
1. Financing govt activities: Your Tax is important to the government. It is with your Tax that the government at various levels provide basic needs such as Roads, Electricity, Schools, Hospital, Pipe Borne Water, Security, Infrastructures and other necessities that will make life better for the citizens.

2. Tax helps create employment: Your Tax is used by the government to build more industries and factories and this helps to create employment for people in community.

3. Paying tax is relevant for aspiring politicians: For those planning to contest for a political position in the future paying of Tax is one of the criteria that qualify you to be voted for. It gives you credibility in the sight of the people who you are seeking for their vote and support.

4. Tax payers can influence change: In a good democratic government, Tax payers can demand for a change of policy that does not favour them, this gives you a say in some government policies that does not favour you.