Why you should wear clothes that fit the weather


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Posted by on Sunday July 13, 2014 at 22:3:0:

One of the factors that determine the way we dress is the weather condition, the weather is responsible for they type clothe a person wears during a particular period of time; for instance during the harmattan or winter period, you find people wear more of thick covered clothes, but during summer period, people wear more of light skimpy clothes, because the weather is warm during this period. Some people just wear clothes for fashion trend, not minding the weather, and anybody that does so constantly will have some body issues to contend with. Let’s look at some of the reasons why you should wear clothes that fit the weather;

To Avoid Health issues: for instance a person that wears only a light Tee shirt during the harmattan or winter season is bound to suffer from ailments such as pneumonia, as a result of cold, while a person that puts on woolen jackets during the heat period is bound to have some heat rashes all over the person’s body, due to a lot of heat and sweat. Putting on the proper clothe for the weather saves it you from these health issues.

To be socially acceptable: Wearing a singlet during the winter period will make you look so out of place, to the extent that people might want to question your sanity. Wearing the proper clothes for the weather makes you fit into the clothing style and trend of the season as weather has its fashion trend.